
Mince Pies


Preheat oven to 190°C.

Sieve flour for the pastry into a bowl add the low fat spread and lightly rub it in until evenly distributed. Stir through Hermesetas Granulated then bind the ingredients together with enough cold water to make a fairly stiff dough. Knead lightly on a floured working surface then wrap in cling film and chill until required. Roll out the pastry and cut out 20-24 large fluted rounds and as many smaller rounds as possible. Cut a small star from the centre of some of the smaller rounds so some pies can be topped with just a pastry star and others with a cut out star top. Line 20-24 bun tins with the larger rounds. Fill with mincemeat then cover with the smaller rounds brushing the pastry surface with cold water so they stick together. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown the sprinkle with Hermesetas Granulated while still warm.

General information
Ready in:
60 minutes
Calories p.P.:
Plain flour
350 g
Low fat spread
175 g
Hermesetas Granulated
2 tsp
Cold water to mix
100 g
100 g
Seedless raisins
100 g
Chopped mixed peel
50 g
Blanched almonds, chopped
50 g
Cooking apple, peeled, cored and chopped
175 g
Hermesetas Granulated
2 tbsp
Finely grated rind of 1 orange
Orange juice or brandy
60 ml
Ground mixed spice
1/2 tsp
Ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp
Ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp